Tuesday, 24 May 2022


I've always hated going on holiday, as a child my holidays consisted of being dumped on assorted relatives so my parents could work. I hated staying with people who were strangers to me, most had only adult children. The one cousin that was nearer to me in age was 5 or 6 years older than me and a spiteful bully who made my life an absolutely misery. I was too scared to sleep as I never knew when an attack would happen. I preferred it when I was sent to my grandparents, they were kind and had a dog. There were no alterations to their lifestyle to provide me with entertainment but I did have a doll.

We occasionally had days out as a family, we went to the beach, Brighton beach! We sat on the stones  and fried, no paddling or swimming allowed, just sunbathing. I never tanned, just sweated through the day.

Once I was working I was occasionally invited to holiday with friends but could never afford to go as I was living in a bedsit and had rent to pay.

I didn't holiday again until I was married with children. We always went with the brother in law, his wife and their children. The wife always developed a migraine the first day which lasted until the end of the holiday. So whilst the men spent the day getting drunk I spent time with the children. We went to the beach, the park and any other child friendly activity available. It was hard work as there were seven children to care for but I tried hard to ensure they had a good time.

Steve and I have had some lovely holidays, somewhere with interesting architecture or lots of history so I no longer dread going on holiday.


Sally said...

I never went on holiday as a family because we couldn't afford to. My first holiday was my honeymoon. When out children were young we had a touring caravan and we eventually went right round the coast of England, Scotland and Wales. Our last holiday was in 1987. I've not been anywhere since then. I'm quite happy where I am.

Lyssa Medana said...

I understand. Until bear came along, I don't think I ever had a properly happy Christmas. I used to dread it as it was a declaration of war every year to my divorced parents.

You are awesome for giving those kids happy memories.

Sue said...

I have always loved holidays. As a child I spent every Summer weekend in my great-aunt and uncles caravan along with my Nana, and then in the school Summer holidays my Mum, Dad and little brother would stay in the caravan for two weeks. It always rained and hikes in pac-a-macs are a vivid memory. But it was the adventure of it all I loved and the occasional Mr Whippy at the seaside.

Once I was an adult and had a little money I tried to make the same magic for my boys and pretty much succeeded even if money was tight, it was just the change of scenery and lifestyle we all loved.

I didn't fly anywhere until I met Alan and to be honest I am still much more comfortable with quieter holidays in our own lovely country. In a few weeks we are taking to the canal near us in a narrowboat for 4 days ... so that is something new!

Chris said...

In the 40's and 50's holidays were few and far between and usually staying with relatives. Luckily the grandparents lived by the sea so these holidays were fun. As an adult I have had lots of great vacations but I think they are a thing of the past now with all the problems and unrest in the world.

Col said...

I was incredibly lucky as I grew up on the coast, and could walk out of our front door and be on the beach in less than two minutes!
It was a case of our garden, the pavement, the road, the pavement, the beach! , and our front windows looked straight out to sea. If I stood in our front garden and looked left, I could see the distant mountains of North Wales, looking right, the view was just water until Formby, north of Liverpool, almost eleven miles away.
Husband and I took over my family house when my Dad died not long after we had married, and Mum lived with us. There were six bedrooms so there was plenty of room to make her a 'granny annexe'.
We only left that house in late 2019 when we moved one road back from the promenade to our present bungalow, and our son, daughter in law and grandson moved into the family house. They're buying it from us, at 'mates rates' obviously, which saved them money, gives me a monthly income, and most importantly of all, our grandson gets to grow up with the beach at the bottom of the garden, just as his Dad and Grandma did!
Therefore although we did have holidays when I was a child, they were almost never to the coast. A colleague of my Dad had a cottage in the Lake District, not far from Bassenthwaite, so our hols were mainly spent there!
When our son was young, we tended to head inland for hols too, the North Yorkshire moors were a favourite spot.
Husband and I retired early and started off on our travel adventures, went to some amazing places, saw remarkable things, and then Covid arrived, so now we have quiet holidays in our own beautiful country. We still walk on the promenade every day when home, even when raincoats are needed, we know just how lucky we are to live where we do. Living so close to the beach is a bit like being on a permanent holiday, although this morning the sky's a horrible shade of dark bluish grey, and I think we'll be in for a decent storm before long.

ShellyC said...

The majority of school holidays and before were spent being packed off to relatives with my nan. We would stay a couple of weeks or so, then return home for a few days and off we'd go again.
I got in the way I think, my brother and sister were so much older. Mom couldn't cope with me.
So holidays can be bitter sweet for me. I just like my own home.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...