Wednesday, 29 November 2023


 Things are settling down here I'm hoping to do a proper post in a short time.


Poppy and Me said...

Looking forward to hearing from you again soon. Take care and hugs from Valx

Alison said...

Hoping that all will be well, or as well as possible with you very soon. x

walking in beauty carmarthenshire said...

Good to hear from you Hester. Look after yourself. xx

Justme said...

Bless you

Sue in Suffolk said...

Keep on keeping on and look after yourself

Catriona said...

Glad to hear from you todayx Catriona

Rambler said...

So good to see that you have posted. Hope things are improving for you. xx

Cheryl Seaman said...

Happy to hear that you may resume posting! I have been reading your blog for years and you are one of three that I follow closely. Blessings

Anonymous said...

Good. We miss you and your special take on life.

Anonymous said...

Lovely to here from you again. Your stoicism in the face of all life has thrown at you is inspiring. Take good care of yourself. Pollie.

RunNRose said...

i, too, have followed you for years. Yours has been a rocky road, but you always seem to come out all right. I am some happy to
see that you plan to post again, It surely is not fun wondering how you are! i look forward to your telling us.

Ellen D. said...

Hope all is well and we will see you back here soon.

lexie said...

I'm glad there might be more blog posts to come.

You are a very good writer.

Jan said...

I'm so glad you'll be posting again!

Mum said...

I am glad you are OK and that things are settling down. Look forward to hearing from you again when you are able to.

SueJay said...

Look forward to your return, we’ve missed your take on life.

PatsyAnne said...

Thank goodness you are alright. I come here everyday to see if you have returned to blogging. Today I rejoice your entry, just to know that you will be posting soon is enough to get through. Take care of yourself, Steve and Beano. You were missed my dear.

Anonymous said...

So pleased to read that you may be returning.
You are so missed!
Take care. Wendy.

Nelliegrace said...

Good news. I have missed your posts.
I hope that you get nothing but support and encouragement on your blog.

Heather said...

Good to read your post, have missed you. Hope things continue on an even keel.

Anonymous said...


Joan said...

Glad things are shaping up— you have been missed! I’m Joan in Brittany btw, a former lurker 👀

My Piece of Earth said...

Glad to see you back. I missed you.

Jaccs said...

Thank Goodness you are back, hope alls ok and Beanos good xxx

sandy said...

Hurrah thank you

Mo said...

So happy to see your post and looking forward to many more, much love to you xx Mo

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back.

lindsey said...

Im so happy to read your message. Take care x

Marianne said...

Glad to see your post,

Anonymous said...

glad to see you back ,hope all is well ,love Carrie x

Jake's a Girl said...

I've checked everyday almost since you posted you might not come back...I'm so glad you're here! :)

Corinne said...

Wishing you and yours a peaceful Christmas.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...