Monday, 10 February 2025

I love Sunday's

Today I met with a neighbour for a chinwag, this has to be done secretly. 

If Steve thinks I've made a friend he will insist on joining me and will eventually start an argument with them.

We meet most Sunday's during one of Beano's dog walks, it is a ridiculous way to carry on but I'm really not prepared to inflict Steve's behaviour on other people.


Sooze said...

Even if you do have to do it secretly, it's a bit of amusement for you knowing that you're doing something for yourself that he doesn't know about!

flis said...

Yes - do whatever you need to - if that keeps him sweet - Mine has been known to takeover a normal everyday chat I'm having - He behaved unbelievably badly during the day time with no alcohol involved either - I was chatting to a friend outside and he stood in front of us - dropped to the ground ( grass) and rolled around kicking his legs in the air - another time when I was talking to another friend - He stood in front of us and began jirating his his and groin - Like a attention seeking toddler x

Lyssa Medana said...

Beano is a really good alibi. Please pass on gentle scritches from me.

Moira said...

Enjoy your contact with your friend.

busybusybeejay said...

Why do you put up with this?Stand up to him!He is a bully and you deserve better.Also Flis.

Anonymous said...

Good for you! Enjoy the companionship of your friend and be sure to let him know why you need to keep Steve out of the loop. There's absolutely no reason why he should be included in the friendship, as he has no social skills to cope with a natural, innocent friendship. As you have said, he would only ruin it and be an embarrassment. You go, girl!!!

Heather said...

Well is Steve can hide from you in the car park and sneak off, no harm you meeting up with a friend for a chat.

Ulvmor said...

As I understand busybusybeejay's point of view, I do agree with Fils and Hester on this. With such congnitive challenges Steve has, it is imbossible to "stand up to him". He doesn't understand he's not behaving normally. There is no use to try to talk to him. He is not healthy and his brains are just not working.

Moira said...

It’s sad but necessary

Yellow Shoes said...

Ulvmor sounds like they know what they’re talking about.
The right way is not always the easiest way - saying nothing and keeping the peace is probably the right thing to do under these difficult circumstances. Hester, you have the skill of friendship which is very good to see.

Filling the freezer.

It's been a difficult week for Steve, he's had to get up by 9:30 every day, instead of 11 o'clock. He's taking his blood pre...