Wednesday, 20 March 2019

I've made a list

I've made a list of ten main meals and some puddings that I feel I will be able to cook for 30 people.
I will ask the organisers if there are any dietary considerations and what the budget is per head, considering the portion sizes I've seen I would assume the cost per serving is pretty low. I also need to cook meals in about an hour and a half. I will not be able to prep anything beforehand as I don't have a hygiene certificate for the boat.

Main meals
Sausage and Mash
Chicken Pie
Jacket Potato with toppings
Liver and Bacon
Fish in Parsley Sauce
Cottage Pie
Macaroni Cheese
Bolognese Bake
Chicken Curry

Puddings,  can only think of seven, so these would need to be repeated.
Fruit Crumble
Rice Pudding
Sponge and Custard
Chocolate Brownies
Upside down cake
Fruit Salad


Anonymous said...

sounds lovely...pasta is cheap and versatile so could do bakes/spag bol/ u shop for it ? u might be able to pick up bargains...baked apples are nice you could do jam tart on a tray and cut up..hope youll take some pics to show us xx tessa

lynda said...

Sounds good! But I think you're crazy!!! Will you have help???

Mrs G said...

Eve's pudding? Milk macaroni?

Hard up Hester said...

The ingredients are all provided and yes I will have help. There may already be a set list of meals that I have to abide by, but I'm only prepared to make dishes I know I can make.

justjill said...

My thoughts will be with you I would love to help but...

Anonymous said...

Bread and butter pud? Trifle? Suet pud ( jam roly poly) and custard?

Jeannieuk said...

Great food! How about chocolate pudding and chocolate sauce. ie chocolate cake and chocolate flavoured custard. Best of luck x

Helena said...

Eton mess? Syrup Pudding?

Anonymous said...

Will there be an alternative for vegetarians when it's not jacket spud or macaroni cheese?

Hard up Hester said...

No there will not be an alternative as there are currently no vegetarians in the group. If one should join I'm sure their dietary needs would be accommodated.

Anonymous said...

Cooking for people who have had a stroke can be a minefield. Some may have problems cutting and swallowing. Wouls bipass both sausages and liver as both can be a choking hazard unless cut up tiny. Soups in a cup?. Mince n mash, cheesy scrambled egg. Pies?. Jac x

Fifitr said...

I do a monthly lunch club for a similar number of people and find 'self saucing' puddings really useful and quick to cook in big trays once the main course has come out of the oven, including chocolate orange and toffee apple varieties. They're soft to eat too, so you might want to think about those. Also fruit fools when fruit's in season and cheap. I wouldn't like to have to do it in just an hour and a half though, that would really make it a challenge. Hats off to you for taking it on.

JanF said...

We just went on Thursday to a simple catered meal for a volunteer activity. Chicken Alfredo and a giant pan of apple crumble made with oats. It was delicious.

Being careful.

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