Saturday, 16 March 2019

We're going on a dog hunt.

Now we have our bigger boat, or we will have in a few weeks, we have decided to get a dog.

Something small to medium sized, similar to the reactive dog we almost took on a while ago.

She now has her forever home so no longer needs us.

We now need to trawl the rescues to find be that will rehome to boaters, not all will.

We could go out and buy a dog but that seems a shame when there are so many dogs in need of a loving home.

We want a dog that will be ok with visiting children and good with other dogs, that way if anything happens to us DD1 would have our dog.

I feel we have a long to offer, we are both experienced dog owners, CHS had two large dogs that were very well trained, I can offer lots of cuddles. 

I am also prepared to walk a dog regularly whereas I think CHS will be a fair weather walker.


Living Alone in Your 60's said...

We too hope to have a dog again one day, a medium to small one. Good luck with your search.

Sue said...

That sounds wonderful - and especially since you would welcome a rescue. Good luck finding not the perfect dog, but the perfect dog for you!

lynda said...

I think that's terrific!!! Best of luck in your search for the right one! Your new dog will be very happy!

JanF said...

What a wonderful idea and one which will benefit the dog and yourselves as well. I think it will be a win/win!

VC said...

I have always had rescue and 'unwanted' animals. I think life on the boat would be wonderful for a dog, especially as yours is soon to be a larger model. Can't wait to meet your new housemate when he/she arrives!

The Weaver of Grass said...

I hope you find what you are looking for dog wise. I have a bitch Border Terrier. I have had her since she was eight weeks old and she is now well over eleven - I adore her and she is fantastic with children - and adults - not quite so good with dogs - not aggressive but barks at them sometimes - maybe not a bad idea on a boat actually..

Carol Caldwell said...

How exciting. I look forward to seeing your choice of dog. Great for getting you out and about for walks and good company for cuddles.

Anonymous said...

Have a look at Jodie's Cyprus Dog Rehoming, they are a fantastic charity with dogs in UK and Cyprus looking for forever homes.
Best of Luck

Rambler said...

I got my Benji from The Cinnamon Trust. There's no charge at all, in fact Benji came with a new extending lead, collar, flea treatments, Calming spray, bed and treats. He was microchipped and the Cinnamon Trust paid for his chip to be changed to my address - and he was delivered to my door. They did a home check to ensure he couldn't escape from the garden (actually, he very quickly proved to me that he COULD!!!) I reckon if you said your dog would always wear a life jacket, they would approve you. Good luck!

Being careful.

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