Saturday, 2 January 2021


The water pipes on the marina keep freezing so we are being very careful with our water usage. We top up our water tank when the pipes defrost but it's back to boiling the kettle for my morning wash, if I run the water until it's hot I waste such a lot.

The only dried food Beano will eat is Bakers Choice for Small Dogs and even then he will leave the cubes and just eat the smaller shapes. Rather than waste the cubes I put them in a plastic tub and take a handful with me when I go out. I frequently get mugged by the local dogs as they know I carry treats, the dogs are just as happy with the cubes from the Bakers Choice as they are with dog treats. Obviously I check with the owners first before giving any dog a treat.

We've had no wastage from our Christmas food, we didn't buy much and I've been very careful to use things up or freeze them.

I've been feeling dizzy and nauseous, a common occurrence, it's to do with my eustachian gives not the crystals in my ear. I'm used to feeling dizzy but hate feeling nauseous, fortunately the nausea has now worn off. The dizziness will stop when the willow fluff arrives as then I'm snotty and sneezy


My Piece of Earth said...

Such a bother when your pipes are freezing up, hope its not too bad and they burst. We had a light fall of snow overnight everything looks beautiful
We will have the last of the turkey soup for lunch today, no waste from the Christmas dinner. It was yummy, if I do say so myself.
I have the dizzies sometimes, hate it.

Carruthers said...

I've had that dizzy business on and off in the past. Horrible, isn't it?

JanF said...

I think you are amazing and creative with your on board cooking! We are finishing up our Christmas leftovers too, but I only made a pork roast and a ground turkey loaf. We do not eat the same dinner every night so have been alternating with fish.

Ellen D. said...

Now that I have turned 70, it seems like it is always one thing or another. I might have developed allergies this year - I seem to have had a cold since April! No big deal, just a runny nose and a tickling cough. Could be worse!

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...