Tuesday, 9 November 2021

A day of getting nowhere.

Steve spent time yesterday and today trying to resolve the problem with the tv but to no avail, still nothing works.

We have a very old fire stick but it won't connect even using Steve's phone which has a much better signal than mine.

The Wi-Fi improved for a couple of days but back to very poor signal now.

We had one day when neither of us had a signal, Steve was climbing the walls with boredom. That's why he tried to get the tv sorted. He realised that this is my third winter with no tv and no reliable wifi. At least I can download books now though I need to be a bit sneaky as I need to sit at a specific picnic bench on the marina and the man on the boat nearest to it considers it to be his bench and chases me off!

Steve's decided to start online shopping as it's too much to expect DD2 to take me every week. It's true, but I will miss her. I haven't spoken to anybody since Saturday.

I'm still no nearer getting audio books as they need Wi-Fi for them. 

Stroke club has started up again, if Steve wants to attend they will arrange transport for him.  I can't go and cook for them as they don't provide transport for volunteers. 

It's almost 4am the wifi witching hour. If I hit post now it should send.


Anonymous said...

You did such a nice job with the lunches at Stroke Club before I honestly think you should put feelers out to see if anyone would be willing to take you, if not weekly then occasionally ? People are NICE, I swear there will be someone who ( if they were made aware that you have your own issues with deafness as well as everything else ) would be willing to collect you. Worth an ask ?

Col said...

If that horrible man attempts to chase you off 'his bench' again, stand, or rather, sit, your ground. Ask him a) Whether he paid for it, and if so could he show you the receipt, b) Does he make a payment to the marina authorities for sole use of said bench.
If the answer/s are in the negative, tell him to shove his demands where the sun doesn't shine, sideways! X

Ellen D. said...

Sorry for your WiFi troubles! Hope it is sorted soon. Let your daughter take you shopping when she can - you both will treasure the time together.

lindsey said...

it is terrible not to have reliable WiFi. Now that I am retired I spend a lot of time on my iPad. I nearly put 'waste' time but, actually, I don't think that it is a waste of time. I am entertained and learn loads. My hobby of quilting is well served on the web by people who are more than generous with sharing their knowledge and talent. There are some wonderful folk all over the world who do this and I am in awe of them. I wish that I could thank everyone of them. Likewise, people that share their lives when writing a blog for us all read. Thank you. Maybe it will give you a couple of hours to yourself if Steve is able to attend the Stroke Club. Think of this as a golden 2-4 hours. If you are like me you quite like some 'down' time now and again. However, you are to promise us that you will use this time for YOU, even if it means the you sit and do nothing. That is ok. Good luck and best wises from Northern Ireland x

Jaccs said...

I’m sorry about lack of WiFi, could one of you hotspot your phone to get the WiFi? I think as long as your daughter is happy to take you, you could do it fortnightly, just for the contact,ask her how she feels about doing that?then it gives you both a break, I hate to think of you isolated,and as someone said,maybe use the time Steve’s at Stroke club for recharging your batteries x

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...