Sunday, 21 November 2021

Well i made it.

 Three score years and ten. 

I celebrated with Steve, my children and grandchildren.

Eighteen of us in total. My son in law cooked up a storm and provided food suitable for a vegan, a vegetarian, two lactose intolerant, one diabetic, two with autistic food issues and a partridge in a pear tree. He's such a hero.


kate steeper said...

congratulations chuck

Rambler said...

Brilliant effort by the chef! Happy, happy 70th birthday to you - I hope you and all your family had a spectacular day together. Congratulations!

Jean said...

Congratulations. A very happy birthday. Thank you so much for your blog. I enjoy it immensely xx

Lynda said...

Happy happy birthday!

Joyce said...

Wow, your sun in law is a star! I could. It have attempted more than glasses of water.

Carol Caldwell said...

Happy Birthday and a big well done to your son in law.

Jan said...

Happy Birthday!

busybusybeejay said...

Belated birthday wishes.So great to have an excuse to get all the family together.

My Piece of Earth said...

Happy Birthday, sounds like you had a lovely day. Send your SIL my way, please.

JanF said...

What a lovely Birthday, the son in law is amazing!
Hope you continue with Happy Days.

Col said...


Wow, you've been here for 2,209,161,600 seconds! That's bloody impressive!!!!!!!

Take care,

Col X

Beacee said...

Congratulations! Wishing you many more healthy and active years x

Catriona said...

Happy Birthday and hiw lovely to have a meal prepared for you all by your so -in-law.

Moira said...

Happy birthday continue to live your life your way

Bettina Groh said...

Happy birthday and kudoes to your son-in-law....what a great way to celebrate

flis said...

Wishing you a Very happy 70th birthday year-such a wonderful celebration you had x

Ellen D. said...

Happy Birthday!

JennyP said...

Happy birthday from Australia. Best wishes for a wonderful year

Debby said...

Oh, happy birthday to you! Every 70 year old needs someone else to be cooking up a storm.

Rosie said...

Happy Birthday! Sounds like your family meal was perfect for everyone. I don't think I could cope with that many food requirements if I was cooking. I am glad you had a great day and thank you for your very interesting blog, even though I don't comment often I do enjoy reading about your life on the water.

Jaccs said...

Happy Belated birthday Sue, I hope you had a blast, lovely the family all came together for you, many more to come xxx

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Hester - I love reading your blog - thank you 😍

Margie from Toronto said...

A very happy belated birthday!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...