Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Keep buggering on.

Rambler, he's not listening to me currently, I'm playing it by ear. If he gets really unsafe I will abandon ship and leave him to cope alone.

Ellen, I don't get a break unless you count my occasional trips to the supermarket and he's trying to organise more deliveries and less trips.

Steve has an audiology appointment today at 4:30, hopefully he'll get his hearing aids repaired. It's proving tedious having to repeat everything 4 or 5 times because he can't hear me.

Unfortunately if I can't hear him it's my fault, if he can't hear me it's also my fault, though this seems to be very common amongst the men on the cut.

I'm hoping to see DD2 at least one more time before we get to the Thames, I've not managed to see anyone else apart from one boaters wife for some time now.


Lyssa Medana said...

The whole 'not hearing' being your fault is probably more to do with age and gender than hearing aids.

Sending hugsx

Anonymous said...

Sadly the hearing thing is common amongst men period!

kate steeper said...

All so familiar . Whats a break?

Lynda said...

My hubby is the same! Won’t get a hearing aid. It’s my fault he can’t hear me...the pitch of my voice is too high according to him...

Ellen D. said...

I wish you better days... Please stay safe.

Rambler said...

I suspect your daughter will be totally against the Thames idea - it sounds awfully dangerous and I hope she can persuade her dad to give up that plan.
I hope his appointment goes well and he will persevere with his hearing aids.
Do you have any plans when you might give up the boat and revert to a safer home? It seems to be such a struggle now that both of you have more health problems.

Jaccs said...

I really feel for you at the moment, it seems you are really struggling with no support, hopefully you can gleam some clarity when you see your daughter, I hate to hear of you struggling, maybe like Rambler said, it could be time to hand over your sea legs to the land, keep safe.

Sally said...

Have you considered living in a house, surely it would be much more convenient for you both? Easier for your appointments and getting about and much warmer in winter?

Anonymous said...

I’ve read your blog for years and you seem to thrive on being the victim . Sell the boat and buy a house, stop the pity party and stand up for yourself

Moira said...

I hope you can get your hearing aid checked they make such a difference. My husband has Phonak hearing aids and has a gadget that plays the tv through his aids. You know Steve needs help and that would make your situation better, but as you have said before it is not on the cards. I wish you well and hopefully you can work something out.

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...