Sunday, 5 June 2022

That was the jubilee weekend!

We didn't see much of the jubilee, Steve's not interested and I couldn't see the bits I wanted as we weren't around at the appropriate times.

The family wedding went well although it was difficult for people to get to the Guildhall in Windsor at the appropriate time. We had to get a lift to the station and then catch three trains each way. Windsor was heaving with crowds because of the jubilee, I'm not convinced my brother in law realised it was the jubilee weekend when he booked the wedding.

Steve hung on to me for grim death whilst we made our way to the Guildhall he's probably more upset at the change in my vision than I am. He seemed to think I was going to disappear in a puff of smoke if he let go of me.

We moored in our usual place in the marina for the weekend and my daughter gave us a lift to the station at just after 12 o'clock. We didn't go to the reception as it was 16 miles away from the Guildhall and with no transport links. The wedding was at 2 o'clock and the reception was at 5 o'clock so we returned home after the ceremony. We were home by 5:30 and that included having a meal in the station pub.

We went to the Three Guineas at Reading station. Steve had Hunters chicken, followed by a choclate brownie, I had Scampi followed by strawberries and cream. It was much better than we expected for a busy pub. 

I'm rapidly adjusting to my changed vision but it's bloody inconvenient.


Chris said...

Glad you're still able to keep up with your blog, Hester. Will things improve with time? I do hope so!

Jaccs said...

Why have you got a change to your vision? I hope you can cope ok?love and blessings to you x

Ellen D. said...

Glad you were able to get out to the wedding and enjoyed a meal at the station. Hope your vision improves. I admire how you are managing through it all.

Lyssa Medana said...

It's strange how you can adapt, even when it's tough. Sending all good vibes. I'm glad you made the wedding.

Debby said...

Do you have the option to get a second opinion from a different doctor?

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...