Monday, 19 February 2024

Part two.

Jennie and I had to get to the emergency vets at 7:30 this morning, we had to collect Beano and transfer him to the vet in Burghfield that he is registered with.

They don't open until 9 a.m. I got up at 5 a.m. showered and dressed, we got to the emergency vets and waited until they brought Beano out to us. He was looking much better but pointedly ignoring me.

We drove to Burghfield practice and waited for them to open. I walked Beano around whilst we waited. Beano was admitted and we are to phone this afternoon for an update.


Sue said...

I hope they can help him and sort out whatever is wrong with him. How old is he, do you know?

flis said...

I'm glad to hear that Beano is walking - Send him my love xx

Hazeln(wh) said...

Oh poor Beano, and poor you. I hope he is OK.

Anonymous said...

oh love poor Beano, what has happened to him,hope the wee soul is ok, love Carrie x

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