Tuesday, 12 November 2024

Bad night!

Steve sat up until silly o'clock listening to music. By the time he came to bed he was drunk as a skunk. He tripped and fell on Beano, Beano grumbled as he'd been so suddenly awakened. Steve started to shout and swear. Accusing Beano of attacking him!

By the time they'd both settled down I was wide awake and stayed that way until 3 a.m.


Anonymous said...

Poor Beano and poor you having to put up with that behaviour!

Anonymous said...

Its time to leave before he accidentally hurts you. You will feel so free.

Donna said...

Lord God...I am So sorry! Maybe a nap today will help...

Anonymous said...

Think l would have been tempted to call the Police and get the drunk' carted off saying that you 'felt for your safety', and that of Beano also. I fear this situation is not going to end well and l am not being dramatic, just someone with a little first hand knowledge of such matters. Stay strong dear one Sandra x

flis said...

If one day he falls over and hurts himself badly because of his constant extreme alcohol consumption and the paramedics are called you could tell them that this what you were afraid of happening - and this is his usual behaviour - At least it would be on record then x

Sooze said...

He's lucky Beano didn't bite him! I hate having my sleep disturbed.

Anonymous said...

She won't honey.

Highly recommended.

When we purchased this flat I used a highly recommended solicitor. I wasn't well and Steve was in a full on sulk because we'd sold t...