Friday, 1 November 2024

New clothes.

When I visited my daughter, I took with me a dress, I'd ordered and when it arrived I stuck it in the wardrobe. When I finally got around to trying it on I discovered it was far too big. 

It was too late to send it back so I asked if my daughter's friend would like it as she is a larger lady.

My daughter then gave me a bag of Snag tight that were too small for her. Next time I see her I will give her three pairs of Snag leggings that are now to big on me.

I reordered the dress I wanted in my size and then ordered two more.

Well I need dresses as I've now got lots of pairs of tights!


Bettina Groh said...

Nice being able to swap things around.. my daughters do the same thing!

MrsLumpy said...

I just love my Snag tights!

Being careful.

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