Tuesday, 29 October 2024


 I visited one of my daughter's today. 

One of my granddaughters has been selling crochet items at craft fairs, she's made herself some pocket money from her hobby.

I'm delighted as I'm the person who taught her to crochet!


Chris said...

Isn't that what grandmothers are for? Well done her!

Angela said...

That's brilliant, because you have passed on a skill, and she is using it well

Ana Dunk said...

I am so happy you have had a happy day with your family. I think of your daily life and what you have to put up with and it makes me sad.

Rambler said...

How lovely that your grandaughter is using the skill that her Grandma taught her. That must make you feel very proud. Well done, both of you.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely granddaughter. She knows that the way to obtain funds is to work for them. She has you to thank for giving her the means. I admire both of you x

the veg artist said...

Around the age of 12/13 I made dozens of crochet baby outifts for a local wool shop. It's a very useful skill to teach a child.

Sue said...

That's brilliant. My Gran taught me to crochet and embroider many, many years ago. It creates a very special bond between you doesn't it.

Highly recommended.

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