Sunday, 6 October 2024

And again!

Steve has sat in silence for most of today, he often does.

Then at 2:30 he decided to start cooking lunch.

He looked at the meat, he's bought a boned breast of lamb, big enough to feed an army.

To his absolute amazement the cooking time is three hours.

He is confident that the meat will be cooked in an hour, it can't possibly take three hours!

He does this most weekends and most weekends ends up in tears as lunch hasn't gone to plan.

I've tried making suggestions but I just get shouted at as I'm far too stupid to understand what's happening.

I made myself a cheese sandwich as I had breakfast at 8a.m.

Yet again the fridge will be full of half cooked meat for the week.

I've prepped some cabbage to go with the lamb, Steve wanted cabbage but doesn't want fresh cabbage only frozen. 

Nemmind, I'll eat the cabbage.


kate steeper said...

The things we both have to put up with its a wonder we arent gibbering in a corner

Bettina Groh said...

frozen cabbage... that's a new one for us... What do you do with his half cooked meat?

Yellow Shoes said...

Hester, you are one hell of a survivor - don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
You make the best of life and what it throws your way.
And you have the skill of making friends, proper friends, who look out for you.

Sooze said...

Does it make you feel like whacking him round the ear with a frying pan? I've had to calmly point out to mine that, seeing as he gets all his main meals cooked for him, along with snacks and cakes sometimes, he should maybe think twice about continually making complaints. Or he could always cook his own meals and snacks, if he thinks he could do better (he couldn't).

Anonymous said...

How and WHY on Earth do you actually put up with this fiend. My dear we are only here once and you should be able to enjoy life better l think. How about writing down your thoughts and feelings and them make him read what you have written. Or does he get to read this blog?. If he does, l would tell him to mend his ways or you will be gone and he will have nothing and nobody, which is all he deserves. Chin up my dear, best wishes Sandra.

flis said...

I cooked for mine for 30 odd years - He always ate it all up - never complaining at all when he returned from work - After retiring he claimed I was trying to poison him and could not eat the food any longer - He now eats undercooked meat, vegetables and ready meals he prepares for himself - This he undertakes unnecessarily stressfully and noisily - Then retires to bed soon after 6pm daily x

Marlane said...

That is unusual for a man to end up in tears over some meat LOL

Highly recommended.

When we purchased this flat I used a highly recommended solicitor. I wasn't well and Steve was in a full on sulk because we'd sold t...