Saturday, 12 October 2024


I've been very lax about blogging.

Apart from walking Beano I rarely leave site so I have little to blog about.

Here is a pic I took of a nearby house whist on my morning dog walk.


Sue said...

Gosh people in the UK are suddenly really going all out for Halloween now aren't they. The plastic tat retailers must be rubbing their hands together in glee.

Susan Heather said...

How long has the UK been into Halloween? It seems to have been spread worldwide. I was in a major (cheap) retailer yesterday and noticed lots of Halloween plastic. When I left UK it was not "celebrated".

Onevikinggirl said...

Anonymous said...

wonder how long that will stay on the house after halloween getting their monies worth

Anonymous said...

Yes, I totally agree with everyone, how dare people have some fun? Not allowed! We can't have people having fun? Can we?


Anonymous said...

i agree something different to look at when out and about walking the dogs and kids love it,i read something once,the world is a dark place for many and when there is a date that can be celebrated .... kat

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