Sunday, 20 August 2017

From little acorns

Another boater came over today, to ask if I'd clean their boat for them, we agreed terms and I have the keys, I start next week.

I also have 2 more boat cleaning jobs in the pipeline.
CHS is not best pleased, he think if I'm retiring I should sit around and do nothing, but I'm not good at that.

He also feels it's a bit degrading for me, but he wouldn't try to stop me, he values his life too much for that.

I said if it bothers him he can tell people I'm self employed!

 The owners provide all the cleaning equipment and consumables, I provide the elbow grease.

Somehow I don't think I will look this glamorous!


Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I retired almost a year ago and I wouldn't dream of working full-time again. I would however consider getting a Christmas/sales job for the 6-8 weeks during the winter. There is more boredom to deal with in the winter.

justjill said...

See nothing wrong with that. Bit of money and seeing how others live on their boat. Could be interesting!

The Weaver of Grass said...

One thig is for sure you won't find an apron like that these days!

cumbrian said...

Where there's muck there's money.

Lanniesmum said...

I don't know why people think cleaning is not a good job. It's so important to health and wellbeing thay everywhere is kept clean. I think there's a real pride in making things clean and if you are being paid a wage to do it then that's very welcome. Enjoy. Catriona

kelley said...

I have a,coworker who cleans on the side...she likes the money but really loves to clean...the messier the better!

Bonnie said...

Might be a new venture for you hun, word of mouth will deffo get you more business xx

galant said...

How wonderful to have some cleaning jobs. They = money coming in! And think of the exercise, the jobs will keep you fit! And no travel, presumably, to get to the boats. A win-win situation, I reckon!
Margaret P

lynda said...

I think the cleaning is a great way to earn some extra cash! He will be bragging about your jobs when he sees how much you bring in! I am a crap cleaner at's always easier, I find, to clean up other people's " stuff"!

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...