Sunday, 6 August 2017

New blinds

New kitchen blinds fitted today by CHS.
Now both windows are the same instead of the previous mismatch.
The blinds are also much safer than the faded curtains that were there
Who in their right mind hangs curtains above a gas hob!


justjill said...

Looks great.

markdebby said...

Love them

Anonymous said...

Blind looks very smart. We inherited curtains both netes and curtains next to the gas cooker when we bought our current house. Hiw the two elderly people had not had a mishap, I will never know. Mind you, there was a gas leak in the dining room from the ancient gas fire, and they hadn't smelled that either. Catriona

janipi said...

A sensible option. Carefree cooking now. They look very nice :)

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

The blind looks lovely.

Sals View said...

Very snazzy, I prefer blinds too.

Margie from Toronto said...

I actually meant to ask you about the curtains above the hob which I noticed in a previous photo - these blinds are much safer and very smart looking to boot!
I hope you are pleased with how things are coming along.

pollyanna said...

They look great Hester .
I'm loving the colours for both blinds and curtain fabric . You've both worked so hard and it looks so different and much more functional than when you bought .
Onward and forward , not long to October and then the world will be your lobster!
Love polly xx

galant said...

Lovely blinds, Hester!
Margaret P

Shutters said...

Wow I'm impressed these blinds looking beautiful.
wood blinds houston

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