Tuesday, 19 March 2019

I need certifying

CHS goes to a club for stroke survivors once a week, he meets other people worse off than himself which does him good.
The club provides a cooked meal at lunch time, their last cook has just left.
I have volunteered to cook for them once a month, I need to provide a main meal and pudding for 30 people.


Anonymous said...

sure u will do a great job...puddings with custard such as crumble/sponge maybe and dinners such as a roast or a pie ? or is it healthy stuff they like ? tessa

Hard up Hester said...

The remit is family style meals so it will be the sort of things I cook at home. Puddings are more of a challenge as I don't often make them.

justjill said...

Certifying you as a very generous, kind person..

sweet blondie blue eyes said...

No Comment LOL Anne.

Sue in Suffolk said...

Should keep you out of mischief!

The Weaver of Grass said...

I go to Lunch club every other Tuesday where a friend cooks a lunch for around ten to fifteen people for charity - she is a volunteer. It is always a tasty meal. Today it was chicken, apple and cider casserole served with a jacket potato and followed by Yorkshire Curd Tart and cream. Then a cup of tea or coffee - an hour's chat in good company and all for five pounds - good value in my opinion. I would guess that casseroles are always a good bet for this sort of thing - maybe salads in Summer. Good luck

Chris said...

Ooh! 30 people! I don't think I could handle that. Good on you for volunteering.

JanF said...

Make it as simple as possible so you are not too hard on yourself or cause yourself undue stress. Can you bake ahead a couple of kinds of biscuits (cookies) or cupcakes?

Janice said...

Hopefully you are using their kitchen and they have big baking pans you can use. How about lasagna and then a big sheet pan cake with butter icing on top? Just a suggestion!! Good for you for volunteering! Hope it works out well for you. Let us know what you end up doing.

Margie from Toronto said...

Good for you for volunteering but I thought that was your time off! You are too big hearted.
I second the one pot meals (chilli/stew/hearty soups) or the casserole idea - maybe shepherd's pie with a salad? And definitely an easy dessert - either a sheet cake or a crumble. Don't try anything too fiddly. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Easy pudding: Tinned rice pudding with tinned peaches or dollop of jam; or custard poured over sliced bananas.

kate steeper said...

bulk cooking on short notice , i remember it well...lol...favourites microwave a huge batch of spuds, 15 minutes in the oven and theyre ready to go , can also be frozen and used another week as well , veg bolognese can be made beforehand in a vat..lol , if they have a decent microwave your laughing , endless sponge puddings with different toppings ..i wish you luck

Carol Caldwell said...

You are so generous, especially as that is supposed to be your time off. Let us know what you decide to cook on your first day. It's quite an undertaking cooking for so many. As others have said, keep it simple. Good luck.

cumbrian said...

You really are a glutton for punishment?

Anonymous said...

Bangers (cook on tray in oven), mash, gravy and frozen peas / mixed veg or baked beans?


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