Friday, 26 April 2019

What Three Words

Last night just before 11 o'clock my phone rang. Dd2 was at her sister's when she realised she didn't have her door key.

I have a spare so could she come and collect it. Of course I said yes, but finding the boat can be difficult especially when it's dark and wet.

Fortunately I recently downloaded an app to my phone called What Three Words.
I found us on their map, worked out the nearest place she and her sister could park safely and text her the three words.

I then got dressed and waited for her to phone and say she was on her way. I then galloped along the towpath to the meeting point.

Once she arrived I gave her my car key a torch and her spare key so she could drive herself home and her sister could also go straight home


TrishWish said...

Clever Mum to the rescue!

Icey said...

That App is brilliant :)
My husband is emergency services in a specialist unit and I can ask him where he is if he's very late off shift.

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...