Tuesday, 20 April 2021

And breathe

Col, thank you for your comments I hope you enjoyed your time with your grandchild.

Ian I hope you don't have too many problems with hire boaters, we always stay put on changeover day.

We've had a busy few days in the family.

DD2 has moved into what she hopes will be her forever home, three of her four children also moved schools, so she's had to deal with moving house, buying white goods, buying new sets of school uniform and everything else. Her brand new fridge freezer stopped working the day after it was delivered and despite the house being a new build there is a water leak in the kitchen that has ruined the new floor so she still has a lot of stuff to sort out.

DD1 is still wearing wrist braces and awaiting physio, her children have returned to school after the Easter break.

We have moved mooring twice since leaving the marina, some friends have managed to get off the Thames on to the Kennet and Avon and we will be travelling with them for a while.

We had our second jab last Saturday, our appointments were at 9 & 9:10, we arrived just before 9 and went in together. We we walking back to the car by 9:05

A few jobs have been done on the boat, including cleaning the roof, Windows and pram cover. We have four new troughs on the roof, one contains herbs as the previous herb container disintegrated. One contains a white heather, a viola and a lavender. One contains cut and come again lettuce and oriental leaves. The final one is for French beans. 

We collected the car and then moved again so moved the car again, I also gave our friends a lift to collect their car which they had left near their previous mooring.

The cupboards, fridge and freezer are full, I'm cooking lamb steaks, new potatoes with carrots and peas.

I shall attempt to take some pics of our current mooring soon.


The Weaver of Grass said...

Sounds as though it is 'all go' on the canal - certainly not an easy life I guess.

lindsey said...

It sounds as though you have been busy. Much busier than us in Northern Ireland, anyway. We are still locked down. My husband has been in England for a few day so the house has stayed tidy. It’s easy with just me and the dogs. Although it gives me time for sewing/quilting it is little boring 😁. We still have a fire in the evening but I long for the hairdresser to open. I’m beginning to look as though I’m ready for Halloween 🤣🤣

Chris said...

I am really impressed with how orderly your life is! Lots of practice, I guess!

Debbie said...

Are we allowed to give friends a lift in our cars? I thought Boris said we should still do social distancing?

After the jabs I was told to wait 15 minutes before leaving - you were allowed to leave immediately?

Hard up Hester said...

I have no idea if I'm allowed to give lifts Debbie but as we've all had our second have I decided to do it anyway. I haven't rushed to the pub or shopped for anything apart from food, I haven't booked a hairdressers appointment I just do what I feel is right. As for waiting fifteen minutes after the jab to drive, I was told after both jabs to get the car immediately to save Steve standing about.

My Piece of Earth said...

You sound so much more positive with this post. Clad you have had your second shots. Love the new photo.

Col said...

@ Debbie, I've only had my first jab thus far, and everyone was being told to wait for fifteen minutes. However, my husband had his at a different venue ten days after me, and waiting around for fifteen minutes afterwards was not mentioned at all. However, that may have been because of the car parking facilities, it was at Chester Racecourse, and the car park for that particular area only has about fifty spaces, if everyone had waited for fifteen minutes before driving away, it would have gridlocked completely.

Carol Caldwell said...

Both my husband and myself had our vaccination on different dates and at different venues and there was no mention of waiting. Everyone was very quickly in and out in about five minutes

Brenda said...

15 minutes wait...also at least two weeks after second one to be fully vaccinated...friends and family have had mild to serious reactions but we are glad we did it...many who have two shots are getting COVID by not isolating two more weeks...I isolated one year total...mar 13 2020 to March 10 2021
Had shots Jan and feb this year...

Mrs G said...

I think sometimes the wait time is also dependent upon which vaccine you've had - both my husband and I had Oxford/Astra Zeneca on different days and walked straight back out to our car. My friend had Pfizer at same venue and had to wait for 15 mins.

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...