Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Hearing aids

 Thank you for all your comments.

I will do my best to answer your questions and update what I've tried so far.

My doctor will only offer me a telephone appointment and the audiology department is still closed and only offering telephone appointments so there is no help there.

I'm allowed new aids every five years, I've had mine almost three years but I would be issued similar aids so that is not a solution.

Some audiology departments no longer offer the T Loop facility as it is seen as outdated.

Different areas seem to prioritise different people.  When I was still working I was provided with better hearing aids now I'm past working age I can only have the most basic aids with no volume or directional controls.

If I buy private aids I can choose to have blue tooth which will enable me to use the phone and listen to the radio, I can choose aids that will cut down on background noise because they will be directional.


JanF said...

It's worth buying private hearing aids. Hearing is such an important thing and so much of your quality of life depends on it.
My mother spent over 1,000 pounds on her teeth when she was in her 80's, one of my brother's told her it was a waste but I pointed out that she spent over that on each of her frequent Saga trips. She said "it was worth every penny".

Amanda said...

I think you're in the same bind I am. Everything is telemedicine now. But lung problems, like hearing issues, don't do well remotely. The patient has to be in front of you or you're just guessing.

Ruth said...

Have you contacted https://rnid.org.uk/ to ask for their advice? I'm sure you must have rights under disability legislation.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I wesr hearing aids and cannot hear without them. Due to the clinics being closed I am having to wear only one as wearing both means they whistle. Life is difficult.

Jean said...

It must be a postcode lottery as the audiology department here are brilliant. They offer the best up to date aids free of charge on the NHS. There are even tiny ones which hide in your ears.

ShellyC said...

If you do go private, ask about insurance for loss or damage.

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...