Thursday, 1 April 2021

April Fool

 It's April Fools day, some newspapers are running silly articles and Facebook is awash with them.

One that caught my eye was on a narrow boat group from someone wanting to run a sunbed on a boat.

I hope it's an  April Fools joke though from some of the questions asked on the boaters groups I'm not 100% convinced.

I know every one starts somewhere and everyone needs to learn. I have no problem with people who ask questions because they want to buy a narrow boat but the amount of people who post the most basic questions after they've bought a boat is frightening.

The first thing to consider is whether you are going for marina living or if you are going to cruise. 

Living full time in a marina means you probably are hooked up to electric full time and there will be a water point nearby. Even so I have seen posts from people who have a bath on board who complain about how often they have to fill their water tank up. If you are cruising this can present a real problem. Even those of us with showers often try to use of them whilst at a water point.

Even when we are hooked up to shore power we have to limit ourselves, we ensure that the few appliances we have are under a kilowatt. Once on the cut we are reliant on solar or running the engine.

I've been amazed by the amount of people who can't understand why they can't run a dishwasher on board or eleventy billion computers.

There was also a post on Facebook a couple of weeks ago about furniture available, it had been left at a rubbish point. It seems someone who had purchased a boat turned up with a Man and Van. Said van contained furniture for recently purchase boat unfortunately there was more furniture than boat space and some of it wouldn't go through the doors on the boat!


the veg artist said...

Stupidity isn't limited to boating. I once knew of a man who bought a farm. On moving-in-day he asked where the machinery and animals were. He had assumed they came with the land!

Siebrie said...

Our primary school teacher requested a video of our daughter (9) balancing, because the PE teacher hadn't been able to judge the balance properly due to lack of proper PE classes, and balance was imperative to safety (cycling to school next year), and would be vital in passing to the next class at the end of the school year.

Hard up Hester said...

Veg artist I once read a complaint from someone who'd taken on an allotment and was very upset to find no fruit and veg growing there!

Chris said...

There's no accounting for a lack of common sense in some folks!

Debby said...

It seems as if they would have done some measuring before paying to have a van full of stuff driven there. I've never understood walking into a new situation completely unprepared.

Anonymous said...

At the allotment a newbie weeded two beds.
When he visited again after three weeks, he was most indignant to find them full of weeds again and started blaming the farmer for ploughing the field behind the allotments and sending the weeds across.

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...