Sunday, 11 July 2021

All you can eat buffet

 The local mosquito population seem to have descended on my arm last night. 

They obviously decided it was an all you can eat buffet.

I've spent the day trying not to scratch, my arm is very hot and swollen.


Bettina Groh said...

Sounds like more than mosquito bites... If you were in the US I would recommend Benadryl which is a antihistamine. Are you allergic?

Moira said...

Antihistamine cream and tablets also pain killer aspirin etc whatever you use. If it is really bad an old fashioned antihistamine to make you sleepy.

Rambler said...

Oh the joys of living on or near water! You have my sympathy - I once camed in my tent in the shelter of a hedge, not realising that there was a sluggish stream running just the other side. The buggers got into my tent and boy! did I suffer. I had to go to a chemist the next day, who gave me antihistamines to take and a antihistamine cream to apply to my swollen arms, hands and feet (all exposed during a warm night.) You might need to do the same.
Incidentally, Avon Skin so Soft original is brilliant at repelling bugs; campers swear by it and keep a stock in! Sorry for the HUGE link.

Hard up Hester said...

I have oral antihistamine, and a cream. I also have a zappit and I use Avon Skin so Soft. If I didn't I'd get even more bites!

mamasmercantile said...

Och!!! Hope you feel better soon.

Rambler said...

Crikey! Even with all that, they were really determined to get you, weren't they? I hope the swelling & itching soon disappear and you feel more comfortable.
You don't mention Steve being bitten; maybe he's like my husband was and never attracted the biting insects at all? Us ladeeees have sweeter blood, I reckon.

flis said...

I have been bites loads and I thought it may be ticks or fleas but I hear the mosquitos buzzing at night near my I pad light-I too have heard about so soft and bought some but keep forgetting to use it as a preventative-I was so desperate last week with an itchy tummy that I used my lovely lily's steroid cream and it helped immediately and cleared up after 3 days x

Hard up Hester said...

Steve never gets bitten, just me!

Debby said...

yikes! That sounds like more than mosquito bites.

Col said...

My husband never gets bitten, Mozzies constantly swarm around his head, but they're actually just lurking there, in order to make lightning fast attacks on me!
We went for an evening stroll by the Dee marshes a couple of weeks ago, and I came home bitten half to death, but he had not even so much as one teeny little bite, lucky bugger!
I carry anti histamines in my bag at all times, even in the middle of winter, as if there's a biting insect anywhere, it will find me!
Hope you're getting a lot less itchy now! X

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...