Tuesday, 6 July 2021


Our surgery has a triage system whereby the receptionist asks why you wish to see the Dr. 

The receptionist then makes a decision about whether or not you need an appointment

When Steve developed gout he phoned and spoke to the receptionist, he was then offered a telephone appointment. 

After the telephone consultation he was offered a face to face appointment. 

This time because he wants to discuss his stroke recovery he can't have an appointment of any sort. The advice is go away and live with it.


Diary of a Nobody said...

I would not be happy discussing with the receptionist why I want to see a doctor , I don't see why I should discuss my problems with a non medical person.l

Lynda said...

That totally sucks. Maybe you need a new doctor’s office....

Dc said...

My sister was treated like that many years ago. I phoned up the BMA, British Medical Association and asked how to make a formal complaint against her consultant. They first asked what the problem was, I explained. They asked for the name of the consultant, then told me to write a letter to him explaining that I had been in touch. Things moved very fast after that!

pj said...

Try contacting Headway a charity for people with brain injuries or stroke association I had a stroke in 2009 and they have been helpful with me

the veg artist said...

Things are changing slowly. Have you seen this?


Dawn P. said...

That is ridiculous about not being able to make an appt with a DOCTOR to discuss his stroke recovery??? I am sure lots of people have asked but is there any sort of Stroke association / charity group that can assist / offer advice??

LameWolf said...

It's not on, is it? Unfortunately, it's all too common.
It's exactly what I was told by the rheumatologist back in 2011 when I asked for better pain relief and some sort of plan to get at least some mobility and strength back - "You just have to go away and live with it" she said.
I should've complained about being treated in such an offhand way, but I'm a wimp, so I just tucked my metaphorical tail between my legs and slunk out.
So... Steve wants to discuss his recovery and is being prevented by someone with no actual medical training from doing so. That sounds very much like grounds for a complaint to me.

The Weaver of Grass said...

This seems all too common a problem these days. There is an article on it in the Auust edition of the Good Housekeeping Magazine. I find the whole situation rather unerving.

Theresa Y said...

That sucks. Someone wants to see the doctor to discuss health issues and can't?

Tryingmybest said...

Maybe change the game a little. If he says depression he will be seen then he can discuss his depression which is due to problems caused by......his stroke recovery or lack thereof.

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...