Tuesday, 6 July 2021

One I made earlier


A hat and scarf for me for the winter, hopefully we will have a summer before winter arrives.

The hat is large as I have very long hair that I wear held up with a clip comb, this hat will fit over my hair.

The scarf is short and stitched together at the ends. Short, neat and it will fit under my winter coat.

The Dr has always refused to discuss Steve's stroke with him and Steve has been signed off by the consultant so there really isn't any help. We have had help from the stroke association but our local group closed due to covid.


Chris said...

I think you need a new doctor!

button said...

Lovely hat and scarf.

Anonymous said...

Please take Steve to your nearest hospital, he's stoke was along time away.
Confusion, muddled thinking needs investigating by neurologist.

My Piece of Earth said...

Love the colour of the hat and scarf.
Hope Steve gets some help, sounds as if you need to locate a new doctor, the current one is doing little to help him.

JanF said...

The hat and scarf are lovely and the colour will make you happy on the coldest days.

I also think you need a new doctor. We told my mother for years that hers was useless but she refused to change. In the end he was actually "struck off"! Her new doctor was a young Indian who was both very good and respectful to the elderly. She could see the difference then.

flis said...

If Steve has asked for help it seems to me that the Doctor is being neglectful and there could be a cause to write a letter to the practice manager or an email x

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...