Friday, 12 November 2021

Hair cut.

 Yesterday I had my hair cut, an early birthday present from DD2.

Such an exciting event induced me to have a shower.

DD2 was picking me up at 9 am so I got up at 4 am to turn the immersion heater on. I boiled the kettle to make a cuppa and to wash a couple of dishes left from the previous evening. 

By 6:30 the water was hot so I had a quick shower quick, but not quick enough as the water was stone  cold by the time I was rinsing my hair.

I walked Beano as he's not keen on walking with Steve and I wasn't sure how long I'd be out for.

DD2 messaged me to say she was on her way so I made Steve a cuppa, gave Beano his medication and set off to walk to the marina entrance.

My hair is now all one length and down to my shoulders instead of almost to my waist.

Steve thinks it was a waste of money, £12, he was expecting me to have it cut to a chin length bob. He doesn't understand the restrictions not having a hair dryer or straighteners place on me. 

My hair is extremely abundant and has a mind of its own, it is neither straight or curly, it's just bumpy.I'd quite like it cut very short but it grows so quickly it would lose its shape within a couple of weeks.

Steve, like a lot of men, likes long hair, he doesn't like my long hair, he like Jessica Rabbit style of long hair.  He thinks hair grows naturally in to a neat style with no help from lotions, potions or electrical appliances.


Debby said...

Tim likes long hair, but as I've aged, my hair is gray, and the texture is changed. I had layers for years but let them grow out, and have a bob. It makes my life so much easier.

One thing that I noticed about men is that their needs/wants don't always mesh with the women in their life. It is a constant dance as we figure out how to best combine what they want with what we want/need. That is the wonderful thing about living in these days. We get to choose instead of simply having to acquiesce.

Jaccs said...

Hi Sue, I have hair like you, it’s thick and bumpy, have often been tempted by a Bob but have restrained because of it being high maintenance and I’m not proficient at the hair straighteners, so I keep it long, that way, I can wear it up, plait it etc! Do you ever regret moving on to a boat? It’s been a fantasy of mine but I reign myself in because in the long run I’m not sure I could hack it etc, I did wonder if sometimes you regret it when you make reference to the isolation in the winter and of course lack of a car!

Siebrie said...

Whenever I cut it short, al my female friends say how well it suits me. Whenever I grow it long, my male friends express relief at seeing it long again. It’s so funny!
My husband is African and not used to playing with hair, still, after 15 years together; such a shame, as I like my long hair played with.

flis said...

My hair is well past it's best as am I-it's grey and frizzy and tied back-sometimes I wear a wig-and I've noticed men don't see me now-how shallow x

LameWolf said...

Mine is still waist-length, despite being the wrong side of 60 now. My husband likes me to keep it long. He also likes me to continue colouring it rather than let the grey wander in at its leisure.
The upside however, is that I don't pay a red cent in hairdressers bills, as my husband helps me colour it, and also trims the ends for me when they need a spot of tidying up.

Moira said...

I keep mine short but a haircut only lasts 2 to 3 weeks so then I take the clippers to it. I treat myself to a haircut once a year. At the moment we are traveling with no scissors , cabin baggage, so looking forward to getting to Scotland to have it fit off.

Health Cares said...

Rich in antioxidants, vitamin E, and essential fatty acids, argan oil repairs damaged hair, improves overall hair and scalp health, and stimulates hair growth. Some people use it as a heat protectant to protect their hair from the heat of the sun. Argan oil is one of the cheapest hair products for growth.

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...