Friday, 26 November 2021


We should have had a supermarket delivery on Wednesday but for some reason the delivery address had reverted to our banking address. This was probably a PICNIC problem though Steve denies it. PICNIC as in Problem In Chair Not In Computer. Fortunately we were able to cancel the order before it was delivered to DD1. We then had to re-book, Sunday was the next available date and by now Steve was bordering on panic as he couldn't remember what had been on the list and had thrown the paper list on the fire! 

The online shopping is proving to be a bit of an adventure, the first week Steve ordered loads of chocolate bars and a kilo of sesame seeds, last week he did better and we got some useable food. Gawd knows what will arrive this week, nemmind I'll manage.

DD2 phoned yesterday evening to say she was on her way to the supermarket and did I want to go too. I did, I bought bread because we've run out. I bought spring greens and some fruit as I know Steve won't have ordered either. 

I also bought some new pillows as mine are very flat, a pair of jogging bottoms and a sweatshirt. The older I get the more difficult I find it to keep warm. Steve insists he doesn't feel the cold a sits around in a tee shirt, he's cold to the touch and sneezes so much he gets nose bleeds.

We rely on the multi fuel stove to keep warm, we have central heating but rarely use it as Steve worries about the exhaust from the diesel. I get really irritable when I'm cold so I'm hoping the new clothes will help.


Angela said...

I know I shouldn't have done it - but this week I ordered online late at night when I was too tired. It was a Christmas gift, and the 10%off voucher expired at midnight. As I clicked send, I realised too late that the billing address was our previous home in Dorset, although the delivery address was correct. But a confirmation and sale number pinged straight back. I emailed the company immediately and explained. The reply came next day "its in the system now, nothing we can do" I now wait and see what happens...I hope your groceries arrive safely

Hard up Hester said...

Fingers crossed it turns up Ang.

JanF said...

That's a horrible feeling, isn't it?
I hope all the deliveries turn up fine.

Jan said...

Last year, whoever lives in our old house 350 miles away got a very nice nativity set that I ordered online. I hadn't used the company since we moved here 9 years ago and I didn't think to check the address, which of course was our old one. The company said there was nothing they could do unless the recipient returned it. Oh well-I hope they enjoy it!

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...