Thursday, 3 November 2022


Sorry for not replying to all your comments, I do appreciate them but I'm struggling a bit.

It's partly the after effects of being unwell and partly lack of sleep. My blood pressure is through the roof unsurprisingly and I'm likely to punch the next person who tells me to relax! 

Our bed is too small, Steve is a very restless sleeper and throws himself around the bed throughout the night, thrashing and kicking. He is also struggling as he doesn't cope well with stress.

We visited our solicitor yesterday to sign some documentation, he explained the hold up. It seems the vendor is, understandably desperate to complete rapidly but has mislaid documents he is supposed to sign! Godess give me strength!

It now looks like we will not be in by  Christmas, our landlord has family staying for the Christmas period so needs this place back.

As you may imagine Steve is reacting very badly to this news. I'm decidedly unhappy too but I'm less vocal about it.

I'm not sure I can cope with moving into yet another  Airbnb a couple of days before Christmas especially since we now have all our boxed up belongings surrounding us.


Yellow Shoes said...

I cannot offer you any comfort but I do urge you to consider sleeping separately even if that means you sleeping on a couch in the living room. My dh and I get on very well but after one of us had a fall it made sense to try separate beds. Its utterly transformed the quality of sleep for both of us.

Yellow Shoes said...

I cannot offer you any comfort but I do urge you to consider sleeping separately even if that means you sleeping on a couch in the living room. My dh and I get on very well but after one of us had a fall it made sense to try separate beds. Its utterly transformed the quality of sleep for both of us.

Col said...

So, when your solicitor told you he had a completion date for early this week, he was lying!
A completion date can not be agreed upon until all parties have signed contracts which have then been exchanged.
Get onto you local Citizen's Advice Centre immediately, someone is not doing what they are legally compelled to do!
I'm hundreds of miles away, so not scared to say it.....Relax!!!

Ellen D. said...

Well, that just stinks! I can understand why you and Steve are upset. I have never heard of such a crazy run-around. Sounds like something fishy is going on. Your new place should be empty and ready for you - is there no advocate that you can reach out to? Hope you find a way to get it settled soon.

Sue said...

There is absolutely no need to apologise. I hope you can find somewhere suitable for the next couple of months, this is turning into a nightmare for you isn't it. And no, we still haven't bought our flat yet, it's now 13 months since we had our offer accepted!

ShellyC said...

Moving house is supposed to be as stressful as getting divorced. Having been divorced once and moved house at least five times, I think they're as bad as each other.
Good Luck with your venture

Lyssa Medana said...

Sending all hugs. Please take care of yourself.

flis said...

My beloved is finding daily life increasingly stressful - but at least I can escape for my own health sake into the garden during the daytime or another room if required - When it began to effect my sleep -eg being awoken at 3am with their night terrors - " who has moved the toilet seat" and "why have you brought the cutlery drawer back indoors" after the day before I'd rescued it from the drive of all places they had put it x

Chris said...

Sorry things aren't working out for you at the moment. I just wish you could come and stay with me for a few weeks - I have a spare bedroom!

Debby said...

I am so sorry to read this. What a time you've been having! The seller sounds like a terrible, terrible person, actually. A normal person would plan his Christmas around, 'well, we're selling the house, so we'll have to find another place to celebrate this year.' I cannot imagine saying, "Well, they'll just have to wait. I've decided to host Christmas."

Highly recommended.

When we purchased this flat I used a highly recommended solicitor. I wasn't well and Steve was in a full on sulk because we'd sold t...