Tuesday, 1 November 2022

Thank you

 For all your comments.

I'm feeling slightly better today although I still get tired and nap during the day. I don't sleep well at night as Steve is tossing and turning, it's like sleeping on a trampoline. Roll on getting into our flat and a different bed.

Beano hasn't attempted to run away again and Steve is still doing the cooking and housework. He is also calming down and not screaming and shouting throughout the day which is much more restful. Though he did have one rant today about the new flat, insisting he wants to pull out as its taking too long. Exactly where he thinks we will go I have no idea, but I just ignored him! It must be nearly killing him not being able to scream and shout. He's not used to practising self control since he had his stroke.

We are walking about four miles a day but this is divided between 3 or 4  walks, today we have had torrential rain and hail and had to get changed when we arrived home. Beano was most disapproving.


Lyssa Medana said...

I'm glad that you're feeling better. I hope that it continues.

It must be tough for Steve (though tougher for you) but it is overdue.

Poor Beano, disapproving of the walks. I'm sure that he'll be fine. My sister-in-law's old dog used to refuse to go out if her feet were going to get wet. Animals have their own little ways all the time.

Sending hugs and good vibes.

Ellen D. said...

I am glad you are feeling well enough for several walks a day. That is good for all of you. I guess you are used to Steve's rants so it is easier for you to tune him out. Then he can vent but you don't have to react. It sounds like you know what you are doing! Best of luck and hope you get to move soon!

Rambler said...

Does your flat have 2 bedrooms? I was thinking that separate beds would be better for you, even separate bedrooms. A good night's sleep is essential to well-being and you both need the rest and relaxation.
Fingers crossed for a speedy end to the flat-buying palaver.

JanF said...

I hope this tough time is over soon. I know what you mean about disturbed nights as we are up at least every two hours for bathroom visits. We take naps in the day if we need them!
The walks sound really good and healthy for you. Keep going, soon things will improve! JanF

A Smaller Life said...

I guess if you can tune him out while he has his rants and raves then at least it gets the frustration out of his system and helps him calm down. Then it should hopefully help you to calm down afterwards. Separate beds sound like a good idea once you move into the new place, either in the same room if it is a one bed flat or even in different rooms if you will have two bedrooms. I live next door to my lovely hubby; it has been a life ... and a marriage ... saver!!

flis said...

This one is not right at all-no reasoning,listening or trying to help their distress helps - I fiǹd just leaving them with their own misery to run it's course is best x

Jaccs said...

Yes I was going to suggest another bed for you, or if you can another room, but I know some partners think it’s a form of rejection, hopefully he isn’t one of those.take care xx

Highly recommended.

When we purchased this flat I used a highly recommended solicitor. I wasn't well and Steve was in a full on sulk because we'd sold t...