Saturday, 12 November 2022


I'm still feeling under the weather.

I'm supposed to be taking an assortment of medication, I've run out of one already. The surgery  won't supply it because the hospital should have supplied enough and the hospital won't supply what I need because it's up to the surgery!

Steve is spending part of every day having a meltdown, it seems it's all my fault! He launches from one complaint to the other, hardly pausing for breath.

He feels very hard done by as I expect him to come with me when I walk Beano at lunchtime, I manage the other walks on my own. But I feel Steve really needs to get some exercise, he spends every walk telling me how he'd rather do a ten mile walk than the stroll in the woods that we do. He's not done a walk on his own in the twenty-odd years I've known him! Still be likes to complain that I'm holding him back. 

He seems to have a complete fantasy life tucked away in his brain somewhere. I just smile and nod and let him witter on.

He's taken over ALL the cooking, apart from the days he can't be bothered, in these days in allowed to cook, though mostly I do it wrong!

We finally have a moving date, we'll we have four or five actually, I'm not getting excited until all parties can agree on a single date.


kate steeper said...

this is the story of my life trying to get my other half to move , i deliberately ignore him so he will have to get of his arse to come and shout at me. Yes its painful for him to walk about but he still needs to do it

Ellen D. said...

Hope your moving date is soon!

Col said...

How's DD1? Is she home and okay again now?
As far as the flat is concerned, now's the time to push for a date which suits you.
You've been messed about enough, so choose a completion date which you're happy with, notify everyone, solicitor, builders, everybody, that this is the completion date you want, and refuse to change it to suit anyone else.
You absolutely have to take control of the situation, it's time to make demands, and stick to them like a limpet. You're not in a chain, so there is no reason why you should still be waiting.
Point out to your solicitor that he is being paid very generously, and therefore you expect him to actually work for YOUR benefit!
We're selling a flat at the moment, to cash buyers, who are desperate to get in there before Xmas, it's empty, they have the cash, so it should all be simple, but is it? Is it hell! I'm giving both sets of solicitors until the middle of next week to get themselves organised, and after that I shall be turning into a proper stroppy cow! I've decided that I don't care whether they like me or not, I just want them to do their jobs, and if annoying the life out of them makes them get a wiggle on, so be it! X

Lyssa Medana said...

Sending all hugs and good vibes.

I think nod and smile is a good way to go with Steve. It worked well with uncle. Father practiced that on me and it worked really well.

flis said...

How strange-This sounds like you are describing my dearly beloved-Who seems intent on finding negativity in ANY Tiny thing-I do sympathise x

Highly recommended.

When we purchased this flat I used a highly recommended solicitor. I wasn't well and Steve was in a full on sulk because we'd sold t...