Thursday, 6 April 2023

Garden wars

There used to be a beautiful dogwood in the flower bed opposite our living room window.

I was very upset when Bob the Knob butchered it.

I discovered recently that Harry our neighbour was also upset, in fact he was so upset that he cut down a dead bush that Bob the Knob was very attached to.

So now we have garden wars ongoing!

I spent one morning sat on the grass when it was sunny, Bob the Knob was incandescent with rage. I am perfectly entitled to sit there but I shan't sit there again. 

The space outside our front door is quite a sun trap, when the weather warms up I will sit there with Beano.


Chris said...

You go, girl! You have as much right to be there as others.

Poppypatchwork said...

I hate bullies of all sorts, just a note, dogwood should be cut back at this time of year, I've just done mine.

Donna said...

You can't sit on your own lawn? You need permission?
Happy Easter!

LameWolf said...

Bob the Knob is definitely not right in the head.

Anonymous said...

There is ALWAYS one in every housing project that is a total KNOB.
Dawn P. Albany, GA

Ellen D. said...

Do what you want and enjoy the sun!

Sue said...

Good for you girl, gosh I would be out and sat on the grass at the next available sunny spell ... complete with picnic cloth, radio and Beano and some of his toys. It's your grass as much as it is his, he can go and mourn his dead bush somewhere else!

Catriona said...

Your post today is what worries me if we decide to move to a flat. I have a horror of someone who thinks they are the boss telling us all what we can and cannot do. Hope you are able to sit out un disturbed now the weather is getting warmer. Catriona

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...