Friday, 14 April 2023

Rain Dogs

I watched 2 episodes of Rain Dogs yesterday and really enjoyed it.

Steve was out with his friend Bob so I could watch it in peace.

I usually only watch stuff I've watched before as that way I can still follow the plot despite Steve's constant interruptions.

He gets very upset it I ask him to shush.

He is out again next week so I'm hoping to watch more then.

Drs this morning and another moan about my blood pressure, I did suggest that if they could do something about Steve's behaviour my BP would improve but to no avail. They cannot see the connection.

I've reduced my mobile phone bill from £54 to £12, I told Steve hoping he'd be pleased but he just started shouting because I hadn't done it earlier. He just wants an excuse to shout, probably because he'd rather live on a boat, I'd rather he lived on a boat too!

I've also managed to get WhatsApp working again, this is good as it's how I contact my daughters.


Marjorie said...


Anonymous said...

Does Steve shout at his friend Bob?

Helen said...

Congratulations on getting your phone bill reduced. Do share your tips please!

Hard up Hester said...

Anonymous, Steve and Bob argue and bicker constantly!

Helen, I'm sorry, I have no tips, I passed my phone to my daughter and she did it all.

Ellen D. said...

I hadn't heard of Rain Dogs. I'm always looking for shows to watch. Thanks for the recommendation.

Vix said...

I loved Rain Dogs, we watched the whole series over two nights! x

flis said...

Mine is itching to argue about F A most days- I usually whisper in reply - and leave the room -The other day he wanted denture cleaner - I luckily got some reduced -He snapped "I hope you got the right one this time" -I said that they didn't have any" - He said "Good"-So I hid 2 away -I just don't be arsed x

Donna said...

Hahaa...what a fun post! Sometimes I really can relate!
Big hug,

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...