Saturday, 1 April 2023


Thankfully we've had no rain today, yesterday it rained almost all day. This meant that Beano did not want to go out. I managed to get him under the nearest tree for as quick wee a couple of times but that was it.

Today Beano has had three very long walks and will go out at least twice more before bedtime.

Steve has turned the heating on for a coup!e of days so it's warm in the living room. We don't use the heating in the rest of the flat.

The unit Steve purchased to go in the bay window is constantly covered in gibble as is the matching unit he purchased to stand the TV on.

We now have a dining table, I'm sure that too will soon be covered, I took a pic as soon as Steve had finished putting it together.

Steve bought the wrong one as this is Grey and doesn't match the other units, nemind


Col said...

That's a sweet table and chairs, tucks away nicely into the corner too, it would grate on me that it was the wrong colour, but it's a minor detail I suppose, and he didn't do it deliberately!
We've just ordered a new dining table and chairs too.
In the old house we had a big dining room, so we had an antique tilt top dining table and six antique balloon back chairs, but there just isn't room for that in this little bungalow.
We've still got a ten week wait for it all to be delivered, and in the meantime we have to get the antique stuff to the auction rooms, I doubt that we'll get much for it all, not many people have the space for furniture like that these days, us included!
I'm not happy with eating from trays on laps though, sandwiches, cheese on toast or similar is okay, but not if it requires cutlery!
It's good that Steve went out to a garden centre with a neighbour, wouldn't it be great if this was a start to him becoming more sociable?!
It was on the news this morning that a woman's body has been found at the Thames and Kennet Marina at Caversham, and a 61 year old man is in custody. It seems like no bad thing that you're away from that life now!
I'm going to potter in the garden today, the sun is just about breaking through the clouds now, hope you have a good day, and that Steve enjoys sitting at the new table to eat whatever muck he makes for himself! X

flis said...

Your table looks good there - Mine is only used now to collect clutter-I thought about removing it as it's too big but my dogs have a den with duvet underneath x

Hard up Hester said...

Steve will have the table covered in gibble in no time at all I'm sure.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...