Monday, 12 June 2023

Oh bugger

We've just received a letter from the housing association telling us they are selling the lodge, along with all their other properties that contain owned homes. They want to concentrate on their rental portfolio.

Some of the residents, including Steve are bordering on hysteria at the news. I'm more pragmatic, I don't know what will happen but I'm sure there are safeguards in place.

Yes I'm sure all the bills will go up but there are limits on how much they can go up by. The current owners have not done any of the requested maintenance so I doubt that will change.

I know we could buy the leasehold but unless all the residents do the same, things can become very awkward.

Whatever happens, worrying will not change things, all I can do is wait and see.


Angela said...

What a difficult situation for you and your neighbours (and housing is already an issue, reading your previous post) Words seem meaningless, but I do hope you can find a way forward in all this, very soon

Ellen D. said...

You are so practical about it all and that's for the best. Hope it all works out for you!

Catriona said...

Oh my goodness-what a shock! Your attitude about keeping calm is one to be admired and I hope it will all work out well whoever your new leaseholder may be. Catriona

ana s. said...

We have similar things happen here. One 40 year old subsidized housing building is being sold and everyone was told they had to leave by July. Trouble is there are few if any units available anywhere that are in any way subsidized to help the disabled or very low income seniors.

Wishing you the best and yes, worrying will not do anything but increase your blood pressure.

Donna said...

You're right...worrying won't help things.
Praying for you.

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...