Monday, 4 September 2023

Busy week.

This afternoon was spent in the garden under the gazebo, Betty, a neighbour had made a chicken casserole and invited a few of us for lunch. The casserole was delicious and to follow there was chocolate cake, it was left over from a wedding that another neighbour has attended. It was lovely to spend time with people and Beano was very well behaved, in fact he snoozed the afternoon away in the shade of the gazebo.

Tomorrow Steve is doing a birthday BBQ, I shall attend but I'm not keen on burgers or sausages. I think Betty may be providing salad and Betty's salads are delicious. 

Wednesday we are meeting friends and travelling on their boat for a short distance which I'm really looking forward to.

On Thursday I've managed to make an appointment for Beano at the local vet to have his dew claw sorted out. I don't think Beano will appreciate the visit and I'm not looking forward to the bill but I have savings so I will be able to pay and then claim back on the insurance. Steve will either spend a second day on the boat or he may spend the day in town.

Friday is the day our shopping is delivered so there is something happening every day.


Ellen D. said...

Glad you are having some fun visits with friends. A happy post!

Sue said...

It's nice to have lots of nice things to look forward to isn't it. Betty sounds like a good neighbour to have, she sounds like a good cook and entertainer. I hope it all goes really well for you. xx

Anonymous said...

sounds like a lovely week, I hope the weather stays nice for you,have a lovely time. RE the BBQ, why not cook something you do like and can take along to enjoy with the lovely salads

flis said...

I would enjoy a week like yours - seems lovely - One of my dogs has a fast growing dew claw - The Vets Nurse trims it for him x

Chris said...

How nice to have such a pleasant, busy week ahead of you. It's so important to maintain social contacts and you seem to be doing that.

keth said...

While I appreciate that the vet visit might be necessary if there are other issues with the dew claw than just a simple snip, do know that vets often charge quite a lot for things like that. My dog is a black lab, so the blood line in claws is not visible and I really hold off on doing them myself, so I take her to a groomers and they do the claw as well as giving her a good going over/bath. Does her and me good! I'd tell you the name of mine but we're considerably further north than you so won't help, but I took my dog yesterday and they charged me £33, to give you some idea of costs. Hope that helps.

flis said...

A Vet Nurse trims my large dog (I make appointment first) and I wait while she does it - I pay £20 and she trimmed all of his claws x

Highly recommended.

When we purchased this flat I used a highly recommended solicitor. I wasn't well and Steve was in a full on sulk because we'd sold t...