Friday, 15 September 2023

Crashing and banging and delivery!

 Steve is in the kitchen getting his breakfast. He's ranting and swearing because he can't get the ice cubes out of the tray!

Tesco is delivering this morning between 10 & 11, I'm going out with my daughter about 11. I shall take Beano with me as it will be easier for Steve to work without him underfoot. And easier for Beano not to have Steve shouting and swearing. I have to admit Beano takes no notice of Steve's ranting when I'm here but I'd worry if I left him here. 

If Steve has nothing to do they would be ok together but as Steve's busy I think Beano may find it stressful.

The Tesco order has arrived, if I pick anything up he tells me to put it down as he knows where it is all to go. So I go to the kitchen and start sorting the salad drawer, he starts shouting for me. What am I doing? Where am I?  I return to the shopping to collect the salad stuff. Everything I pick up he takes from me, some he returns so I can put it in the salad drawer. Some he places back with the shopping! I shall collect it later and put it own the fridge.

If I query his behaviour he explains, in a hurt tone of voice, that he is only trying to help!!


Anonymous said...

it's shopping delivery day for us all well today, we only do it every two weeks I couldn't bear weekly as right now he's pacing the floor and window watching and making me check the website every 5 minutes to see how far away the driver is. He talks about how it's going to go and what he's going to say to the driver, tells me to keep the dog behind the gate etc etc... and it's over and over again on a loop until it's been delivered.

Chris said...

Better leave him to it then rearrange to your preference later. I like to go to the store myself, especially for produce so I can compare prices and the quality of the items.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...