Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Give me strength

Beano is sulking, it's raining out and no matter how much Beano mithers I am unable to stop the rain from from falling. He asks to go out but when we get to the door he looks out, dithers for a while and then returns to our flat. On the third attempt he couldn't wait any longer so finally went out and across the road to relieve himself.

Steve is also sulking, he hates the cooler weather and will now sulk until next summer! He spent three days totally wiped out from working in the bathroom. He does nothing but complain, not just about the weather but also the neighbours and me of course.

I received an email notification that the radiator I ordered has been despatched. I didn't order a radiator so I checked with Steve who also claims he hasn't ordered the radiator! I expect he's forgotten, unfortunately the radiator is way too big for the space available. It will have to be returned but it will need to be  collected.

Steve is, once again, complaining about food. He doesn't want to have to cook for himself and can't understand why I won't just learn to cook the way his mother used to cook. Before he had his stroke he was perfectly happy with my cooking. Now he wants frozen stuff covered in breadcrumbs and deep fried. Since he covers everything in BBQ sauce in sure it must all taste the same. I don't have the energy to prepare/cook two different meals every day so I'm being selfish and prioritising my meals.


Sooze said...

It's not being selfish, it's called looking after yourself and being mindful of your own needs. But you know that anyway. I just shut my ears to my husband's complaints, when he makes any, and take myself out of the room.

kate steeper said...

we really do have the same model...mine requests stuff moans its tasteless and lathers everything in barbecue sauce

flis said...

We each get our own food,do separate washing up ( 2 sinks and 2 drainers) own washing as when he retired he grabbed his dirty washing as I was about to load it into the washing machine and ran round and round me whilst I was still holding it - like a child having a tantrum - It's all very odd really - I cook for me and my 4 dogs - His loss x

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...