Monday, 12 February 2024

Lunch out.

 I'm hoping to have lunch out today, I'm not sure where we will go yet. I don't much care, it's a trip out.

Our neighbour Harry has been admitted to hospital I'm hoping he will be out soon, poor chap.

I've lost the thread of whatever I was going to type!

The doorbell rang so I went to answer it.

It was a delivery driver with a strimmer!

Steve informs me it was cheaper than Amazon.

That's as maybe, but why?

There is no grass near our flat and the grounds, where there is some grass, are maintained by the gardners.

I really do worry that he's losing his marbles!


Anonymous said...

I hope have have a lovely time out today , maybe Steve is going to ask the gardeners if he can join their crew ? It would get him out of your hair for a bit and give him some much needed exercise & some boredom relief. love Carrie x

Sue said...

Oh Gawd!! As long as it's paid for out of his money and not yours I guess it's his problem. Maybe you could suggest that he gardens for a rich widow somewhere and they could maintain her house and grounds together ... and leave you in peace with Beano. ;-)

flis said...

He may have been better to waste money on a metal detector - but perhaps not - They can be a negative influence on our lives if we let them - Just turning my attention elsewhere helps - Enjoy your lunch treat x

Rambler said...

Oh dear! You can do without Steve buying things that you have no use for. What with his regular 'breakfasts & beers' each week the cost will soon add up. xx

lindsey said...

Send it back, Sue. It will only clutter up your home x

kate steeper said...

my uncle had a garage full of lawnmowers , he had no lawn , the following year it was decided that he had Dementia

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...