Thursday, 26 September 2024

Beano and Steve.

Beano has had two walks so far today and is currently snoozing on the sofa beside me.

Steve is still in bed, some weeks ago I suggested he joined me for Beano's mid morning walk. Since then he's stayed in bed until midday unless he gets up and goes out before I get back from Beano's first walk.

It's probably a good thing, if Steve walks with me he has Beano on such a short lead the poor dog is on tiptoe. Beano is also not allowed to stop and sniff anything or any other dog!


flis said...

I prefer walking without mine now as he claims I walk too fast ,slow or talk too much to other dog walkers since he retired - Oddly he talks incessantly to some people though and they can't get away - Give me a peaceful walk any day - Once upon a time it was fine - times change and I can't deal with him moaning now x

Anonymous said...

Cruel man.

Anonymous said...

Here's an idea, put Steve on a short leash and pull him along quickly so his feet don't touch the ground, oh and tug him away if he wants to stop anytime!. How DO you put up with this devil. I had hoped to read he had miraculously vapourised but it seems not. Thinking of you and Beano, hugs to you both, Sandra

PatsyAnne said...

Thank you. Poor Beano, so it's good that Steve "sleeps in" and you get to walk him yourself.

Rambler said...

I was beginning to think/hope that Steve had been encouraged to go into respite by your daughter.
It all seemed to be so peaceful and calm at your home. Ah well, maybe your time away made him think better of his actions. I hope he doesn't want to walk Beano if he treats him like that; can't be enjoyable for the poor dog. Does he still insist on accompanying you to the social gatherings or are you allowed to enjoy yourself?

Anonymous said...

I was hoping you got Steve out of your life.
Don't let him near that helpless dog .

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...