Saturday, 28 September 2024

Comments and waffle

Thank you for all your comments.

Mean Queen, we saw David from Cruising the Cut a few times when we were on the boat.

Unknown, Steve doesn't walk Beano ever, and hasn't for years. A few weeks ago when we met up with friends who still live on a boat, Steve walked Beano across the car park to their car. This is when Beano was on tiptoe.

The window cleaners have visited today, I must tell Steve as they will be gone before he gets up. I have done some washing and it's on the maiden, by the front door in the sun.

I'm watching Ludwig on t.v. it's amusing, easy watching, not too taxing. I only watch one episode a day as that is all my eyes can take. I also enjoyed Grace and Whitstable Pearl. I don't watch the soaps or any game show.

I'm reading Deadly Games  by Sally Rigby, I read a book in a day or two, again, nothing too taxing. I don't read romances, I prefer murder mysteries, sci fi or fantasy. I have my kindle set to a huge font size  so it is easy to read.

I think I've wittered on long enough now!


Haven't got one. said...

I enjoy Whitstable Pearl too but it seems to have finished recently. It makes me so angry and upset when I see people with leads so short that the poor dogs are walking on tip toe with stretched necks. I've also seen healthy adults with a long stride walking at a fast pace with a little dog like a dachsund or yorkie running to keep up with them, elderly dogs struggling to keep up too. I've even seen people on mobility scooters with little dogs running alongside struggling to keep up. People can be so thoughtless and cruel. As a pensioner I can no longer walk at the pace and speed I did at 50, so I know how it feels.

Chris said...

I think you would like the Dr. Ruth Galloway mysteries by Elly Griffiths. I am working my way through them. It's best to read them in chronological order.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...