Tuesday, 24 September 2024

Its that time of year.

I love conkers, I always have.

I've no interest in the game whereby you try to smash another conker by bashing it with your own.

I love the colour and how they look when peeping out of their green spiky shells.

There are a couple of large chestnut trees near where I live and I've filled two bowls with conkers.

My neighbours think the conkers are there to repel spiders but they are just there because I like to see them.


Sue said...

Mine are there to repel spiders, but there aren't as many conkers round our way this year, luckily there have also been much fewer of our little many legged friends ... up to now!!

Ellen D. said...

I didn't know what a conker was so I had to Google it! Never heard of the game either. Glad you enjoy collecting them. Do they last long or do you collect new ones each Fall season?

Anonymous said...

I've just put 2 lots of conkers in the freezer ready to make laundry detergent as and when needed. Gail x

Anonymous said...

Me too. I do an autumn display in my hearth, with all different types of tree seed pods

Annabeth said...

Me too, they look good enough to eat although a bit spiky! Good to have you back and hope everything is ok. x

Nelliegrace said...

They are beautiful, happy memories of the horse chestnut trees in our village churchyard. I love the glossy conker brown of vintage Bourne Denby pottery.

Anonymous said...

Nice to hear from you today, hope you’re OK. I don’t think there are conkers where I live.

ladybug said...

Glad to see you are back!

sandy said...

I too love Conkers they smell nice too, lovely and shiny missed you welcome back, take care

sweet blondie blue eyes said...

Nice to see you back Sue, hope all is well.

Anonymous said...

I too love conkers and the wonderful autumn colours but not so
Much the grey rainy days . Glad you are back - take care !!

Corinne said...

I love a bowl of shiny conkers too. Where I used to work, we had to be careful where we parked our cars, as the conkers would drop and make little dents all over the roof and bonnet of the car. Glad you're feeling up to writing again, and hope all is well. xx

SueJay said...

Thanks for reminding me about conkers and spiders, it’s a good excuse to have some conkers on the window sills. They look so lovely when they are first shelled.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...