Saturday, 1 December 2018

Eye test

We made it to the eye test, the traffic was horrendous as it's the first Saturday after the last payday before Christmas.

I did the shopping whilst CHS was with the optician. His glasses are going to cost £450, ouch.

I also snuck round the corner to the charity shop on the Oxford Road.

I wanted some knitting needles, 4mm the ones in the shop were all old sizes but I managed to work out what I needed and bought a pair for £1.

It means I can take a small project with me tomorrow when we go to look at some boats, we want to compare different sizes.

The Celtic shrug will be finished soon, I would have finished it tomorrow if we weren't travelling.

Oh and we managed to get a pump out when we got back and filled the water tank up.


justjill said...

Progress then. Glass of wine helping to destress me.

Chris said...

Lots accomplished - a busy day!

Lyssa Medana said...

Traffic around this time of year is ridiculous! This time last year we abandoned DH in the car and ran the two hundred yards to the opticians to make sure we got there on time. DH took another fifteen minutes to go just a few hundred yards! That Celtic shrug looks amazing! I may treat myself if I get Christmas money.

Anonymous said...

That sounds painful for the glasses!

I changed from independent optician who was charging that sort of prices to the high street chain (appt Monday) - the offer for what I want is a two-for-one £149 for frame of choice, lenses (high strength varifocals) and clip on magnetic sunglasses lenses.

It's not as handy as 'local', about 40 mins away on the motorway and the waiting area etc isn't as comfortable - but with the price difference I think it's well worth it.

Frames etc are good and in the 10 odd years I've used them I've never had an issue.

(I would prefer to use 'local' and do when I can, but Mr Local was starting to take the proverbial)

Anyway it'll be worth it - with the new glasses CHS will be able to properly inspect the housework etc! (or is it boatwork?) ;)


TrishWish said...

I have varifocals too and the prices are silly. My daughter in law swears by the online glasses provider but I think her needs are a bit simpler.

Margie from Toronto said...

OUCH - I thought my glasses were expensive! $500 for a very strong prescription - Progressives and ultra thin lenses with a slight coating to take the glare off he computer! I've gone to the same optometrist since I was a child (I keep expecting to hear that he's died whenever I call for my next check up) and I've always bought my designer frames from him as there is no mark up allowed so the bulk of the money goes for the lenses.

It's this time of year that I'm quite happy to travel by public transit - especially the subway - yes, it can be aggravating at times but my nerves just couldn't take the traffic craziness - you are a brave soul.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...