Sunday, 2 December 2018

We're in Willington

It took us about three hours to get here with only a couple of meltdowns when CHS thought I was going the wrong way.

We looked at two boats so now we have a better idea of what size boat we want next.

We are in the Ibis budget hotel, the room doesn't have a bathroom, it has a shower cubicle and a toilet cubicle, it's roomier than the boat so it suits us just fine.

There is a carvery at the other side of the car park called the Cherry Tree, so we've eaten there.

CHS wants to look at more boats tomorrow  but I'm not sure why. I'd rather have breakfast at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning and then set off home.


Anonymous said...

Hester you are literally 10 minutes away from where I live.
I love the cherry tree carvery the best in the area was it busy?
Enjoy your time Mary

Hard up Hester said...

The Cherry Tree was heaving, but the food was good.

We were visiting the Mercia Marina, it's a complete retail experience but wasted on me, I hate shopping.

Rambler said...

Maybe you should look at another couple of boats while you're there and while CHS feels up to it. You will have a better idea of what's available and he'll feel good that he managed 2 days of boat viewing. Will you be buying soon? Have you had your present boat valued yet? I hope the buying and selling goes well and without any hassle.

Hard up Hester said...

We looked at two boats today to see what size would suit us and we have now decided, he wants to look at some others in the size he doesn't want. So it seems a pointless exercise.

Rhea said...

Oh, what a shame I missed you, we moor at Mercia x


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.