Friday, 14 December 2018

Going out.

I think I drew the short straw!
In an effort to avoid the therapist I volunteered to help at DGD's Christmas fair.
This meant I was off the boat when she visited but CHS wasn't left alone as the therapist always stays for a couple of hours.
There were only a few stalls at the fair, it's a very small nursery.
There was a Raffle, a Tombola, a Book stall, Guess the weight of the cake, Guess the name of the large toy dog and Decorate a Gingerbread Biscuit, guess which one I got?
The biscuits came in various shapes, man, woman, snowman, reindeer and Christmas tree.
So there was I, six children at a time, tubes of coloured icing, bags of mini marshmallows and tubs of sprinkles!
Some of the children were eating the icing straight from the tubes, some were eating the marshmallows and some were tipping the sprinkles straight into their mouths!
It was anarchy!
I was very sticky by the end and so were the children!
I'm sure some of the parents would have preferred a more structured and disciplined effort but as none of them wanted to get sticky, they had to put up with my lackadaisical approach.
I think I was given that stall for two reasons, 1) no-one else wanted  to do it. 2) accountability, if anyone complained to the staff about their child overdosing on coloured sugar, they could blame it all on me and assure the parents I wouldn't be helping next Christmas. DGD leaves nursery in September!!


Andie said...

One wonders what type of therapist this one is, two hours is a great deal of time to spend on a community visit. Having done the same for years I was delighted when I could manage an hour. I am not saying that your hubby does not benefit by these visits just that it seems a long time to me. Perhaps your boat is nice and cosy and when there they are not anywhere else! That can happen and if you think you are being visited for the pleasure of the therapist and not your hubby I can assure you that their manager might feel differently about it all. Hope he gets stronger and you sell your property. Love Andie xxx

The Weaver of Grass said...

That sounds to me like an absolute nightmare afternoon.

Chris said...

Been there, done that....but just think how much the children enjoyed getting stuck in to the icing and sprinkles! They will remember it much better than the other less hands -on activities. Did they get to take their decorated gingerbread man home?

Elaine said...

That would make a wonderful Joyce Grenfell monologue!!

Hard up Hester said...

I did enjoy myself but they ate the gingerbread men Chris, there were none left to take .
Elaine I did feel a bit like Joyce Grenfell when remonstrating with the children.
I loved it Weaver, I do messy stuff with my grandchildren.
Andie, thank you.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...