Saturday, 22 December 2018

More bollocks

This time only small ones. 

My neighbour stood on the jetty calling his dog.

Stark bollock naked.

His wife tries to make him wear his boxers.

He often doesn't bother.

He used to be a bodybuilder and abused steroids.

All I can say is that the rumour that steroid abuse causes willy shrinkage seems to be true!!


Jules said...

This has made my day. What a shame you can't unsee something like that, although you hardly saw it in the first place. 😂

Hard up Hester said...

I wish I'd taken a pic.

kate steeper said...

well it is cold isnt it

Julia said...

Literally laughed out loud! What is it about men that think they look gorgeous with no clothes on?!!

Cathy said...

You certainly are having a bollocking good time lately:)

I'm about to turn in (10.20pm down here) and I'm sure I'll dream about this tonight lol

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

That did make me laugh.

Chris said...

You have the most interesting life, Hester! Never a dull moment.

VC said...

Lol, that said indecent exposure is a criminal offence and he sounds like a bit of a perv!

Sue said...

I bet if you walked past and said 'Steroid abuse really does cause that problem then' he'd soon stop flashing his tiny bits to the world!!

Bonnie said...


kelley said...

unfortunately I see way too many willies at the ER...very few worth even a glance...

Catsngrams said...

I just read this post and I am laughing too. What an exciting life you live. Please keep sharing it is such a brightner to our boring days.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...