Wednesday, 7 October 2020

Cooking on the piss

 Cooking on the piss is very challenging, I wasn't on the piss, the boat was. A drop in water level found us with the middle of the boat resting on a gravel ledge.

The heavy rain we've been having has meant that boaters, marina staff and CRT have been kept busy managing the water levels. Opening and closing locks and sluices.

The levels have been up and down like a bride's nighty, ropes have to be tightened and slackened off regularly depending on the levels. We have had two days with no rain so the water level was stabilising.

We were listing this evening when I was cooking our evening meal. I have to hang on tight to the pan handles to ensure nothing slides off the hob. I was only preparing a simple meal, ham, egg, beans and hash browns. 

When everything was ready I served up, Steve and I were sat side by side at the breakfast bar eating.

Suddenly with a glug we slid off the bank and we were level again. It was quite disconcerting but more comfortable to be floating again.

It's now raining again!


Life In The Seniors Lane said...

Love your blog. Your writing about your antics is wonderful. Jean from Canada

Chris said...

Sounds hilarious but not so much for you and Steve, I imagine!

justjill said...

Goodness me. You never get bored!

Mudgekin said...

Goodness Hester, what a time you have been having. I followed your blog gor years and then fell into the deep dark hole that is depression and unfortunately the walls were so smooth I just couldn’t get out. Today I laughed and I found your blog again. That meant I’ve sat and read through it for the past 4 years. What a time you and DH have had. Sending big hugs and lots of blessings your way. You really are an incredible lady you know!

Sue in Suffolk said...

Hope the rain doesn't upset things again today - forecast is horrible yet again

Sue said...

Gosh I can't imagine having to hang on to everything as you cook ... I think I'd have been living on sandwiches ;-)

Thank goodness you are floating again.

mamasmercantile said...

Thankfully you are on the level again, your life is never boring.

Col said...

Pleased to hear you're on an even keel again, long may it last! X

linda said...

Your blog is so interesting.
Fun to read about different places and lifestyles.


Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...