Saturday, 10 October 2020

Hey Big Spender

 I helped at a jumble sale today, an outdoor jumble sale, brrr.

It's 9 degrees here, we have the stove lit, Mrs Grumpytits has been standing on her balcony complaining!

I bought myself an Abercrombie and Fitch hoodie, a DVD The Favourite with Olivia Coleman and two pairs of hi-vis socks. They came to the grand total of 60p, I paid extra as it's for a good cause.

The socks are proper hi-vis, I bought them to put over our mooring pins when we moor up, we worry that people will trip over them.

There is a DVD player in the lodge so I will take The Favourite with me to watch.

We are still working out the logistics of Steve's friend visiting us at the lodge. If he's out of hospital we may go and collect him and take him with us.

About 18 months ago he had a motorbike accident and broke his back, last week he raced again for the first time and broke his pelvis. I think I it's probably time he gave up bike racing.


Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I agree with you, I think he should give up motor bikes. It's not a good time to end up in hospital! I saw an outside jumble at the church today.

justjill said...

Poor bloke. What happens if it rains at the Jumble Sale?!

Hard up Hester said...

Jill, we get very wet if it rains! Almost half of the helpers are in their 80's.

Chris said...

I loved The Favourite but several of my friends didn't like it at all! I will be interested to hear your opinion. I have been keen on Olivia Coleman ever since she was in Broadchurch.

Hard up Hester said...

Frugal in Essex, also he is 65 so no spring chicken.

Chris, I'll let you know,

Sue said...

I love your thinking behind the hi-vis socks, what a great idea. As for Steve's friend, I think it's time he hung up his helmet for good ... ouch, poor bloke!!

Carol Caldwell said...

Definitely time Steve's friend gave it up.

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...