Monday, 19 October 2020

Oooh Bliss

When I helped at the outdoor jumble sale I spotted a large zippered hoodie. 
It's made by Abercrombie  and Fitch, it's denim blue in colour and lined with faux sheepskin fleece. 
It's size XL so there is room for lots of layers underneath.
This morning I wore it for the first time. 
Oh boy is it warm and soft, I can see it will get a lot of wear this winter. 
The sleeves are miles too long but I can either turn the cuffs back of let them dangle over my hands as an extra layer of warmth.
It should have cost me 20p but I bought the hoodie and a DVD and made a donation of £5 as it's for a good cause.


Living Alone in Your 60's said...

The hoodie sounds like a great buy, well done.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Keep those long sleeves - you will be gladof them over your hands if we get really cold days this coming winter.

WorcsAnnie said...

I love a good find. It was meant for you.

Sue in Suffolk said...

That sounds like something that will keep you cosy on the towpath

JanF said...

What a perfect find! I hope it keeps you cosy for many winters.

walking in beauty carmarthenshire said...

Oh, keep the long sleeves and use them like a muff to protect your hands.

Sue said...

Extra long sleeves are a godsend when you have to walk dogs in Winter, even better if the dog lead fits inside with your hand. No struggling with gloves when you have to get a poo-bag out.

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...