Friday, 25 June 2021


We are growing beans and lettuce in troughs on the roof. The bean plans are covered in flowers so I hope we get a good crop.


Sue said...

They look nice and healthy. We see some boats with beautiful gardens along the canal here, both the ones on the move and the ones with permanent moorings.

It's amazing what you can grow in a small space isn't it 🙂

mamasmercantile said...

That is amazing, such a joy to see the troughs doing so well.

Rambler said...

I hope your beans won't need 6ft canes to support them - awkward when you come to bridges! Lol, lol. Good to have some growing things on the boat.

Oh what joy!

Today Steve has watched the rugby and checked his blood pressure repeatedly. He is doing my head in! He gets very excited watching the rugby...